Friday, November 28, 2008

The word seems to be out.....

Well--I believe that most everyone knows, but just wanted to update things here and make sure everyone stayed as up-to-date as possible.

I am now almost 10 weeks pregnant for baby #3. I am always tempted to say #4, because I still think of Henry every time I talk about being pregnant. I have been on 2 shots/day of blood thinners since immediately after finding out that I was pregnant back in October. I have had one ultra sound and was able to see the peanut's heart beat very clearly---flickering away in there at 160 beats per minute. I go back to my regular doctor for my 12 week ultrasound on December 9 for the Nuchal Fold Translucency test. This is the test where they do the testing for chromosomal abnormalities. I know a lot of people don't believe in having these tests, and it certainly won't change a thing about where I carry this baby or not. I was very thankful to have had this test with Henry because all of the results were normal. After losing him, the doctors immediately suggested that maybe there was a chromosomal abnormality, which I knew wasn't true as a result of this test. That is on December 9 at 11:30 in the morning. I am about 100% certain that this will go well, and have a good feeling about this pregnancy. I said very early on w/Henry that I was concerned and felt like something might go wrong.....I haven't had that feeling at ALL this time around. According to my last ultrasound, I am due on June 29 and the doc said they would likely schedule my c-section for June 15....which works out well as far as timing. Our last teacher work day for school is Friday, June 12, so I would have the weekend off, then deliver the next Monday.

Funny story about Justin. Most of you know that he doesn't forget a single thing that someone tells him. He still asks us about Henry and has even asked in the last few weeks when Henry will be coming to his house to stay. He has no concept of the finality of death, like most children his age. He has asked questions about living in Heaven in very general terms since last December when we told him that Henry had gone to live with Jesus. Tonight he was asking how old you had to be to get to go to heaven to live with Jesus. We explained that there wasn't a certain age, you could go at any time that Jesus needs you there, but that typically, it was people who were very old. (Bear in mindy, this discussion was happening at the dinner table while Mom, Dad, Barney and I ate left-overs and the kids ate their chicken nuggets.) He looked at us with all seriousness and said "You mean you have to be old like Poppi?" He is so funny. My dad is only 59, not terribly old in the grand scheme of things, but apparently Justin doesn't have that same perspective.

Oh, and just in case we see you somewhere, the kids DO NOT know that I am pregnant. We have decided that to try to avoid having to have the discussion about me losing another baby, we just wouldn't tell the kids about me being pregnant until after we know the sex of the baby and thus the name. Our theory on this is that if it would happen to be a boy, it may be easier for Justin to accept and understand if we gave him a name for the babl. Please don't say anything to the kids---Justin just thinks my tummy is getting fatter.