Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Well--apparently Justin isn't just a budding artist but a magician as well.

This morning he woke up at 6:15 and told me he needed a new pull-up because he had peed in his (he isn't night-trained yet). I put a new one on him and he informed me that he needed to go back to bed and to sleep--I wasn't about to argue with him at that hour of the morning. I put him back in bed and tucked him back in...I also ended up falling back to sleep. Well, the next thing I knew, 45 minutes later, Ada Grace woke up. I heard a weird thumping sound downstairs, and yelled at Justin to get back up to his bedroom so we could get ready for pre-school. He yelled back up that he couldn't, he needed my help. I went flying down the stairs to see what he needed help with, and he was in the garage. Our doors don't unlock when you turn the knob, so he had locked himself in the garage. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I'm playing out here." He was only in a pull-up, and had dumped both of our golf bags and barney's bat bag as well. He had also gotten out his Shrek tackle box and dumped the weights in the garage floor.

Needless to say, when he was at pre-school this morning, I turned his door-knob around and put the lock on the outside of the door. Now, we can lock him in his room.

Before you all freak out and get upset with me, Barney and I already have a plan for if, God-forbid, we would ever have a fire. He is responsible for getting Justin out of the house, and I am responsbile for getting Ada Grace out of the house. We also have smoke detectors in every room and monitors in the kids rooms so we can hear if they need us, or if their smoke detecors go off for some reason.

I'm beginning to believe my friend Jessica who swears that with boys, they don't have terrible twos, but rough years that are multiples of 3 (ages 3,6,9, etc). Justin at age 2 wasn't an issue---age three might be the death of me!!!


1 comment:

Kendra said...

3 was harder for both my kids than 2 was. I wouldn't call either stage terrible, but it has taken a lot of work on our part!