Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My kids are so very funny!!

Okay--so Ada Grace has taken to saying the dinner prayer after learning it at preschool. Well, one of them is the "ABC prayer" which goes like this "A B C D E F G, Thank you God for feeding me." She usually actually sings all the way through the ABC's first and gets to the prayer the 2nd time around. Well, my mom was telling me that the other day when she was getting ready to "feed" her baby doll, she knelt down, crossed her hands and sang hte ABC prayer prior to giving her the bottle.

Justin--well, again, he has learned the Pledge of Allegiance at school. I'm going to have to get it all on video because its too darn cute. He can and does say all of the words right, usually, except for one. Did you all know that the last line was "With liberty and Justin for all".

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