Well, As it turns out, its true that each pregnancy gets a little bit harder, and the difficulties start a bit earlier. As most people know, a mere 2 days before Justin was born, my blood pressure shot up from 112/60 to 139/98, and late the next night, my labor was induced and ended in a c-section.
Fast forward 2 years to my pregnancy with Ada Grace and I my c-section which was scheduled for 38 weeks and 3 days, on July 7th. A little more than 2 weeks before that, I was having serious contractions every 2 minutes and was placed on bedrest for the last 2 weeks of the pregnancy, and she was born right on time, at 38 weeks nad 3 days.
Now, Here I am, at 34 weeks and 4 days, and my blood pressure has shot up again, more-than-likely a result of either the clotting disorder or the shots that treat it. 4:00 yesterday my doctor put me on bedrest. He wants to be sure that she isn't born before 36 weeks due to size as well as the immaturity of the suck/swallow/breathe reflex. Both of these things could result in a stink in the NICU which none of us wants. So--here I am, on bedrest, and out of work for the remainder of the year, all in the hopes that Ella Sue won't be born before 38 weeks.
Oh, and by the way, just for good measure, Ada Grace came home from from Auntie Donna's house throwing up and with a fever of 102.8. I have it down under 100 now, and she's getting some good sleep, but it just feels like with our reduced time frame to finish getting ready for Ella's arrival, maybe someone hid a candid camera in our house.
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