Saturday, December 15, 2007

The saddest day of my life...

I believe that by now, most everyone knows what has happened in the last 60 hours or so, but just in case you haven't.

I went to the doctor on Thursday morning because I was having contractions, and the doctor thought I had a UTI and my uterus was irritated, and thus contracting. Well, the doctor used the doppler to try to find the baby's heartbeat, and was unsuccessful. We then had an external ultrasound, still no we had an internal ultrasound, still nothing. The doctor sent me to see a perinatologist who had a better ultrasound machine, but they couldn't get me in until 3:00, about 4 hours later. We got there, and after both an external and internal ultrasound, still no heartbeat, our baby was gone.

My water broke at about 6:00 Thursday night, and I was then admitted to Duke University Medical Center at 9:00 on thursday. I delivered our son, Henry James, at 6:18 on Friday morning, December 14. Sadly, yesterday was also Barney's birthday. He has said that each year from now on, he will have an extra candle on his cake for Henry. We are going to have Henry cremated, so that we can keep him with us, and somedy, when something happens to me, he will be buried with his mommy. I'm still going to finish his stocking, and we will hang it each year as well. We did decide to go ahead and have an autopsy done, as well as chromosomal and genetic abnormalities. I'm not all that sure how long this will all take, but I am sure that it won't take nearly as long as it will for me to accept and deal witht his.

We will be having a service for Henry next Friday evening or Saturday. Right now that all depends on Church availability and the schedule of the minister who will be doing the service. I also want to say that every person we encountered while at Duke couldn't have been any better. The doctors and nurses who took care of me truly were Angels on earth.

Please continue to keep Barney and I in your prayers.

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