Tuesday, February 19, 2008

other stuff that has made me laugh

I have been struggling with things to blog about--and Mom reminded me the other day that I had never posted this story which still cracks me up. Most of you know that I have a tattoo across my lower back, which my father affectionately calls my "wallpaper". I often forget its there because I can't see it in the mirror....well, last spring at some point, Justin asked my aunt about what was written on the butt of his cabbage patch doll..she responded that it was the baby's name. She then asked Justin if he had his name written on his butt and he very matter-of-factly responded, "no, but my mommy does."

Well--I'm hoping tha tmy annual bonus will afford me the opportunity to have the wall paper removed from my back. I never had it colored because I didn't like how it turned out and I've been trying to figure out how to have it fixed. When I got my tattoo in honor of henry, the tattoo artist informed me that there was a great place for tattoo removal in charlotte. I am looking forward to a road trip to Charlotte to have my "name" removed.

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