Sunday, March 30, 2008

Family Portrait

Hey everyone--I know a lot of you have access to Kara's blog as well, so you may have already seen this, but we got together, the whole entire family on my mom's side, to take a picture for my Nana's 80th birthday. It is really kind of funny because we only got 1 shot because it was pouring down rain---and here it is:

Funny Justin Story--I bought him a book at a book fair a little while ago called "Jesus and the 12 dudes who did". This is one of his favorite bedtime stories. This book talks about a number of the bible stories, including Jesus walking on the water. Saturday morning, before the picture above was taken, Mom and Dad were giving the kids a bath. Justin was holding on to the shower door handle and jumping up and down. Mom insisted that he stop before he fell down and hurt himself very badly. He looked at her very seriously and said, "Grammie, I'm walking on the water."
Also--please pray for the Lawrenson family. its really a very long story that I can't summarize here, but check out She is still in the hospital, but her lungs may be on the way. Their story is amazing and their faith inspires me. Take a look when you get a chance.
Have a good one.

1 comment:

Shari said...

Only my grandson would try to walk on the water. I about fell over when he said it, but calmly informed him, " Only Jesus can walk on the water!".
