Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Justin Stories

Okay--so it appears as though my blog is becoming little more and cute stories about the kids and what they have done lately--but I just LOVE to share the cute things they do.

Ada Grace was standing up last night in Donna's front yard, but only briefly. She likes to hold on quite a bit still, but I'm sure she'll be running around before we know it!

Last night, when putting Justin to bed, he asked me to rub his back. I agreed, got his diaper changed, tucked him in and was laying there rubbing his back. This is the conversation we had:
He felt both of my hands and said, "Mommy, you have 2 rings?"
"Yes, baby." (My wedding rings and my college ring which I wear on my right hand.)
"What is this one, Mommy"
"That's my wedding ring. Daddy gave that to Mommy because he loves her very much."

Okay--so here's the funny part---brace yourself:

"Its too big mommy, you need to get a new one."

How funny--my wedding ring is too big. I laughed so hard....he is too funny!

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