Sunday, March 11, 2007

Or NOT!!

Well--we tried the potty thing yesterday morning. I had bought Justin his potty seat and he was very excited about it and his new lightening mcqueen boxers. Yesterday morning the first thing he said was, "that's my potty seat". I was pretty excited--maybe this will work...NOT!!!

After 2 pairs of "underwears" as he called them, and 2 accidents and no attempt what-so-ever to let us know he needed to go potty, he told us he wanted his diaper. So--we're back to diapers for a while longer--maybe he'll be potty trained before he's 5.

I was wanting to sign him up for pre-school this fall, but they won't allow 3 year olds unless they are potty trained, and I don't want to sign him up until I know he is, that's a lot of money to lose if he isn't potty trained by the time it starts.

So--more diapers to change, for however long we have to....Justin will let us know when he's ready I guess!!


Kendra said...

We went through many stages like that with Lukas. We'd try for a couple of days, and then he wouldn't be interested at all. Finally, 2 months after his 3rd b-day, I decided to try again, and he was completely trained, days and nights, within a week. It is frustrating, but when they are ready, it happens, and it is much easier than pressuring them, in my opinion at least. We started trying every 2 months when Lukas was 2. That's what we did with Ava as well, and she also trained in less than a week. He'll get there!

deb said...

Krista you know better than to think that the child is being trained. First it is the parents that need to be trained. Just like with a new puppy, YOU have to know when the potty sitting will be most rewarding. As soon as they awaken from the nap is the prime time to sit for a little while. Maybe look at a good picture book for just a little while and then praise the heck out of the noise that happens. Maybe 15 minutes after a nice big drink is the trigger time....each person is different and then it is more fun for them and they don't have to start with all the responsibility of knowing when it is coming, they learn the feeling when it is coming. They can then make it happen when they want it too not when it just happens.
Good Luck!